Monday, November 30, 2009

My real Blog!

Go to for my real blog that I keep updated with art, projects and ramblings!

Monday, October 5, 2009

New name New Blog

So I have finally made up my mind on a name for my personal brand/company/representation of my work. It is Ishkadoodle designs. Fun, silly, and a little weird. I like it, it's very me. I had originally gone by Vex Ennui, and I may continue to do so but that will continue being my more fine arts side. Ishkadoodle Designs will take up the torch for my web design and project management work as well as be my primary go to for my job hunt and networking efforts.

As a senior at Minneapolis College of Art and Design this is pretty exciting. honestly, quite overwhelming but really really fun. A tough economy just means a bigger and better challenge.